Work part time and EARN assured

Give discount to people and earn weekly

If you give your referral code to anyone for designing website, mobile app, company registration, logo, banner brochure, mobile application or digital marketing services etc services.

They will get discount and that discounted amount will get credit in your account.

So what are you waiting for ?

Keep giving discount before they buy service and let money flow into your account

How it Works

Start your part time, and start earning daily

Create your part time work account

Use your referral code in your account as discount coupon

Start sharing your discount code to people & you will start earning

How referral code work ?

Once you create account in referral panel, you will receive referral code. That code you need to share with your client, friends and family to buy service from upgroz portal. Once they buy using your referral code, your customer will get discount on all the services and that discounted money will be credited to your wallet.

Collected amount in your wallet can be withdraw by requesting to withdraw with your bank detail from your referral panel. Keep referring and keep earning


How do i earn ?

Whenever you give your referral code to any other person and that person use it for discount. Person will get discount from you and you will get that discount money

Can i work part time or some time ?

Yes. You can work any time and give your referral code to people for there business development, whenever they will use, you will get that discounted money

How much i can earn ?

You can earn from 10% to 30% on each transaction using your referral code. Beginner to Pro Level

When i can withdraw money ?

Within 5 days of gig completion, you need to request for payment withdrawal with your bank detail

Who is eligible to work ?


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